phpDesigner 2008 v6.0.1.2 英文正式版(PHP 網頁設計軟體)
MPS PHP DESIGNER 是針對 PHP 網頁的編寫所設計的程式,它內建一系列的指令碼、PHP4
原始碼數據庫、語法高亮度顯示功能、FTP 用戶端...等,不管您是 PHP 網頁設計高手,
或者是剛入門的新手,您都可以使用者套軟體來幫您設計網頁程式(SQL、HTML 亦支援)。
phpDesigner 2008 is today's PHP IDE that
help you boost the process of editing,
analyzing, debugging and publishing applications
and websites powered by PHP and other web languages.
Work with object-oriented (OOP) programming in PHP5,
nested code completion and have code tip displayed as
you type so you do not need to look into documentation
to see classes and function attributes.